Housing Programs
3 Steps to Funding Your Project with LAHTF
(1) READ the Program Guidelines then send in the pre-application.
(2) Upon approval to move forward, submit the full application with all supporting documents.
(3) Forward the appropriate application fee within 5 days of application submission.
In June 2024, Louisville Metro Government allocated $15 million in funds for the LAHTF for FY’2025. The funds will be used as follows:
$14 Million for development activities, rehab/reuse of vacant/abandoned properties, and mixed income projects integrating low income housing, of which:
- At least $5 million for units reserved for households with incomes at or below 30% AMI;
- At least an additional $2.5 million for units reserved for households with incomes between 31% and 50% AMI;
- Balance may be used for households with incomes between 51% to 80% AMI.
- At least $3 million will be used for the Trust Fund’s Revolving Loan fund.
- Full or partial repayment may be required (based on population served and underwriting); and,
- Range of 0% to 3% interest rate.
- $1,000,000 for program administration, of which $100,000 will be used to create a grant pool for Supportive Housing Services.
To effectively address Louisville’s housing needs, the LAHTF requires a dedicated source of ongoing public revenue, key to success of all housing trust funds. In 2008, the Louisville Metro Council established by ordinance a goal of identifying $10 million in dedicated, annual public revenue for the LAHTF. The source of this commitment has not yet been identified.
Establishing dedicated ongoing public revenue, which gives the LAHTF both stability and flexibility, remains a top priority for the organization.
The LAHTF and Louisville CARES has created an online Pre-application portal. The pre-application is a prerequisite to apply for funding through either the LAHTF or Louisville CARES. It is designed to obtain necessary information to direct applicants to the most appropriate funding source. Use this link, https://louisvilleky.wufoo.com/forms/ppahc570216sbm/, to complete the pre-application for funding.
Download the 2025 Application Guidelines
Housing Development
Eligible uses for development funds include:
• Sustaining/preserving affordable housing.
• Construction loan financing.
• Gap funding or reasonable developer subsidy (which may include forgivable loans); and,
• Low cost, permanent financing (terms and interest rates based on pro forma review to determine the ability to repay).
• Purchasing existing units in high opportunity areas to be reserved for income-eligible households.
Funds may only be used on eligible affordable housing projects located in Louisville-Jefferson County. If funded, projects will be governed by the cumulative information contained in these guidelines, as well as any applicable federal, state, and local requirements.
Recipients of funds will be expected to be familiar with and adhere to the guidelines and project design requirements described in this document and other applicable LAHTF documents.
Funds may only be used on eligible affordable housing projects located in Louisville-Jefferson County. If funded, projects will be governed by the cumulative information contained in these guidelines, as well as any applicable federal, state, and local requirements.
Recipients of funds will be expected to be familiar with and adhere to the guidelines and project design requirements described in this document and other applicable LAHTF documents.
Download the 2025 Housing Development Funding Application | Spec Sheet Template | Internal Cost Cert Template | Sources and Uses | Homebuyer Affordability Analysis Worksheet
Supportive Housing
The Louisville Affordable Housing Trust Fund has allocated Funding Dollars to assist those programs or services that do not fit the Trust Fund definition of a Development Project. By definition, Supportive Housing Services (SHS) are a combination of housing and services intended as a cost-effective way to help people live more stable, productive lives.
Services may include, but are not limited to programs that:
Provide HUD approved housing counseling and education services;
Provide employment and workforce housing skills;
Increase household financial stability; and
Other Programs as submitted and deemed to align with ensuring the success of a housing project development plan focused on serving Low to Moderate Income Individuals as that term is defined by US
Mental Health Counseling
For more information, see the Project/Program Guidelines.
*Funds may only be used on eligible affordable housing programs located in Louisville-Jefferson County. If funded, projects will be governed by the cumulative information contained in these guidelines, as well as any applicable federal, state, and local requirements.
Download the 2025 Supportive Housing Services Grant Application

LAHTF Funding Orientation #2 Zoom Recording
Date: September 19, 2024.
This video is a recorded presentation of the
The Louisville Affordable Housing Trust Fund including
an overview of the project and an orientation
about the application guidelines and process.
To view, click on the button below and use Passcode: 1Ok?t4$.
Click Here To View Recording