About Us

The Louisville Metro Affordable Housing Trust Fund (LAHTF) was created by Metro Council as a way for Louisville to invest additional local public funds to address the affordable housing shortage for individuals such as working families, seniors, people with disabilities, veterans or others whose wages are not enough to maintain a stable place to live. A place to call home opens the door to opportunity and the whole community does better when everyone has a decent place to call home.

Our Team

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the LAHTF do?

The LATHF facilitates the development and rehabilitation of decent, affordable housing by making grants and loans, providing technical support, and enabling builders and developers to construct affordable housing with less financial risk.

Who can apply for a grant or loan from the LAHTF?

The LAHTF makes grants and loans to for-profit and not-for-profit developers, not to individuals.

Who benefits?

Stable, decent, affordable housing for working families benefits homeowners, renters, neighborhoods, business and the community at large:
  • businesses that require a stable workforce;
  • neighborhoods that have been devastated by the foreclosure and vacant property crisis;
  • working families that need decent affordable housing and basic economic security;
  • and the community as a whole, due to the economic impact of the LAHTF and reduced crisis-care expenses related to unaffordable housing. Funds invested in the LAHTF leverage millions of additional dollars into the Louisville economy.

How can I help the LAHTF help my community?

The Louisville Metro Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation that welcomes charitable contributions of currency and/or property.


Our Board of Directors

Pat Mathison

St. Stephen CDC

Louis Straub

Independence Bank

Bruce Sherrod

Community Advocate

Phillip Bond

LAHTF Board Treasurer

Tammy Hawkins

Louisville Metro Council District 1

Katharine Dobbins

LAHTF Board Chair

Kimberly Sickles

Sickles Inc. Realty.
LAHTF Board Secretary

J. D. Carey

Louisville Apartment Association

Dionne Templeton

Building Industry Association Representative


Representative from the non-profit housing developer community

LAHTF board of directors meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at our offices located at 1024 S. Third Street, Louisville, KY 40203. However, a virtual alternative is offered if you are unable to attend in person. Please use the link below to join virtually. 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 4413 9492
Passcode: 681062

Upcoming Board Vacancies

Member At Large

Are you Interested in serving on the board?

All board members are appointed by the Mayor based on criteria created by Metro Council. If you would like to apply to serve, click the link to make an application for the LAHTF.
The LAHTF Board of Directors meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. here in our offices at 1024 S. 3rd Street, Louisville, KY 40203.

A hybrid option is available via the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 6608 3634
Passcode: 877692

This link is good through 2024. Thank you.